
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pinecone treats with snowflakes... More fall cooking at A Cup of Sparkle kitchen

Once again, I wanted to take you to A Cup of Sparkle kitchen for more fall season cooking. If you have not seen fall leaves ice-cream sandwich tutorial yet, you should take a look at it! I got so many good reactions from you that I thought I will share another fall recipe with you.

Pinecone treats

Today's cooking recipe is very simple, fun and chocolaty.This pinecone treats are great for thanksgiving and christmas celebrations.Very eye-catching! It will be also a great cooking activity you can do with kids.

Here is the recipe for this nature inspired pine cone treats which I found from Turkish blogs:

Ingredients for ~10-15 pinecones
1/2 packet of rice krispie (~60g)
1/2 stick of butter
2 tablespoons of honey
1 tablespoon of cacao
2 bars of chocolate (~100g)
1-2 tablespoons of powdered sugar

1- Melt the butter in a pan. Add the honey, chocolate and cacoo. Melt them all together in low heat.
2- In a large bowl, add the melted chocolate mixture on the rice krispie and mix them.
3- Fill inside of a lemon squeezer to give the shape of a pinecone. Press it and invert it upside down on a serving plate.
4- Let it cool down.
5- Sprinkle powdered sugar before you serve it to make winter snowflakes effect.

Your pinecones are ready in a very short time without baking! I hope you will enjoy making the pinecone treats as much as I did...

TIPS: You can add pinenuts, crushed walnuts or sesame seeds to your pinecones to obtain extra flavor and crunchness. You can also use cupcake sleeves to serve it instead of a platter.


  1. What a clever idea ~ will have to give it a try!

  2. What a cool idea! I like that they are made with honey instead of marshmallows. I'm tempted to add a little cinnamon...

  3. Oh I love this! Bookmarking now. I must try! Have a great weekend :) xx
