
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Creativity is...

I have a big urge to make new things this weekend but; this weekend is the cleaning time for me unfortunately. I hope you have better plans than me :) However; I do have lots of new autumn projects from cooking to decorating that I am planning on sharing with you next week.. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, I have some inspirational quotes for you about creativity. My favorite is:

And, ways to stay creative. My number one is "Stay Away from the Computer". (I think that is said before Pinterest was born because, that site honestly relaxes all of my creative muscles,:))

What is your favorite definition for CREATIVITY? Or, do you have any tips for me that helps to stay creative?


  1. I believe that once you tune in with nature and find your peace you get creative without thinking too much about it. But there are those terrible moments when you feel stuck and then all of the above help! Though not all at once :))

    I have found out that being organized is one way to nourish your creativity. getting lost in your stuff doesn't work well for the creative mind. Another important thing is to stop multitasking! That is a must!

  2. I had been thinking about this just last night and wrote a blog on it. I think both are important - to get messy and then straighten up.

    I love when everything is clean and organized especially if you are working with beading, you need to know the importance of classifying and organizing and a habit of keeping things back after work. But life is not what we want .. and the balance is what is most crucial.

    Enjoyed reading your blog.

    Dita - another etsian
