
Friday, October 28, 2011

Let's visit the Cotton Castle in Turkey!

What about a visit to my home country, Turkey to bathe in this georgous natural waters of Pamukkale, Denizli; located in southwest Turkey. We might also do some shopping for Turkish towels while we are there since they have one of the best towels in the country.

Pamukkle's english translation is Cotton Castle. It gets its name from this white terraces of calcium carbonate minerals deposited by water from the hot springs.  These terraces almost 200m in height have been formed in step-like arrangement gradually in the course of the ages.  They are absolutely stunning and super interesting, don't you agree? They kind of look like oyster shells...

Thanks for joining me at our second Let's tavel to Abroad destination... See you next time!!!


  1. That's pretty amazing! I'd love to visit there some day! xoxoxoo

  2. Wow, I didn't know Turkey had anything like this. It is gorgeous. It reminds me of Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone, but much whiter.

  3. Oh, that is amazing!! Would love to visit! Happy weekend! xoxo

  4. Wow that place looks amazing! :)

  5. Wow, that is really cool! Defiantly some place I would love to visit someday!
    Everyday Inspired

  6. Sadly, these are not quite as lovely as they once were, I think. The travertines are all roped off, and lots of them look kinda dirty. Or at least, this was the state of things when I was there 6 years ago. There's so many more amazing things to see in Turkey.
