
Friday, October 21, 2011

Let's be a fish in a bowl in Marseille...

Not sure how much all of you like camping, but this transparent bubble tents in Marseille, France might worth the try. It feels like staying in a luxurious hotel, like camping in the nature and also being at home... it is an experiecnce of all at the same time inside of a giant bubble. Kind of bizarre in a cool, confortable way! The best part of this bubble tents is that you can watch the sunset, the stars and sunrise crystal clean from all angles....

 What do you think? Would you like to be a fish in a bowl for a night or two?
I would, if you could afford :-) These bubble tents are also available for purchase for those of you who don't want to travel that far; starting from $11,000 and goes up to $20,000. You can even rent them for an event, such as a wedding.. Pretty cool, don't you agree?

Thanks for stopping by... I appreciate you joining me at our first 'Let's Travel Abroad' destination. Wishing you an adventorous weekend!


  1. They are pretty cool, I think a night or two would be interesting. In the first photo the bed looks so cozy, I would not mind hanging out in there.
    Everyday Inspired

  2. And people could see you! But might be fun for a new experience!

  3. It looks like it would be a pretty cool experience...but I wouldn't be doing anything naughty in there :)

  4. Looks interesting, but I think it would be tough to keep it clean.
