
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Have a heart-racing weekend.

What are you all up to this weekend?  I am having a sparkling Saturday and hoping to have a relaxing day on Sunday. I love this logo that fits perfectly for my day as I am running the Lake Sammamish Half Marathon today with my running partner. (wish me luck!). Hope you will be doing something to get your heart racing with enjoyment and excitement this weekend... Have a good one!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hand Stitched Birds Nest Card Making Tutorial

I tend to keep myself busy making so many variety of crafts and arts but, card making has never been one before. My hubby has been unfortunately sick this last week, so I wanted to make him something special and came up with this hand stitched birds nest card. In case you would like to make this special card for someone in your family, here is the simple tutorial on how to make this hand stitched birds nest card:
Materials: Tread, a branch, needle, beads, paper, scissors, pen, glue or double sided tape

Step 1: Pick a thick paper and one or more thread of your color of choice. I started with an A4 size paper. So, I didn't worry about centering the nest.

Step 2: Start stitching and leave a 1- 2 inches long thread on the surface by keeping the tension on the tread very loose. 

Step 3: Repeat step 2 until you create the base of the nest. Make it into a ball shape like a nest.

Step 4: Once you have the base, continue stitching horizontally. This time you won't be poking the needle to the paper. Move the needle through the base to crowd the nest until you are happy with its look. You can easily switch back and forth with different colors of thread to create a 3-dimensional look. (You don't want to tear the paper. So, it is very important to use the technique in this step)

Step 5: Now, it is time to lay the eggs onto the nest. I used three beads representing myself, my hubby and our puppy Aslan. You could also choose to add number of eggs representing only the children in the family. In this step, you will sew the beads in the center of the nest in a triangle.
Step 6: Your nest is complete. You can now accessorize it by adding a branch, leaves, flowers, birds, butterflies... anything you can think of to embellish the card. Use your imagination and personalize it for that special person you will give this card to.

Step 7: Trim the paper to the size you want the card to be. And then, apply a glue or double sided tape to add a paper on the back so that the stitches wont show.

Step 8: Give this card to someone special and make them smile :)

Let me know if you decide to try to make your own nest and if you have any questions. Cheers...